簡介:地點:臺北市;景美溪約13 公里長
用途:形塑人、水、 生活的新關係,並創建人與自然能和諧共生的宜居城市
計畫經費:新台幣4,850,000 元
設計時間:2019 年05 月 至 2020 年08 月
The project exemplified an excellent planning and analysis project that provided comprehensive understanding and insights into the key areas of local culture, riverine ecology and environmental restoration. It carefully sought to preserve the intrinsic values and beauty of the sites, restoring nature and water lines based on its ecology, landforms and historical footprints. The project brilliantly introduced key strategies and interventions with considerations for blue, green and grey connectivity and upgraded the recreational opportunities for the people. Overall, it is sensitive, yet bold in its approach with excellent strategies in riverine restoration and landscape integration with the people and the environment.